
Some Results on Synchronization Problems of Networked Harmonic Oscillators


丰建文 教授(深圳大学)





In recent years, the cooperative control of networked harmonic oscillators has received significant interest from the research community. In this talk, some results on the synchronization problems of networked harmonic oscillators of our recent works will be introduced. Firstly, we propose an effective algorithm for synchronization of instantaneously coupled harmonic oscillators by using sampled data which may contain measurement noise. We discuss the convergence of this algorithm for both fixed and switching directed network topologies in the presence or absence of leaders. Secondly, a stochastic feedback coupling strategy for almost sure exponential synchronization of networked harmonic oscillators are investigated. A stochastic coupling strategy is designed here by using discrete-time noisy sampled-data to achieve the almost sure exponential synchronization of networked harmonic oscillators. Both leaderless synchronization and leader-following synchronization of networked harmonic oscillators are considered. Finally, we propose a practicable quantized sampled velocity data coupling protocol for synchronization of a set of harmonic oscillators. The coupling protocol is designed in a quantized way via interconnecting the velocities encoded by a uniform quantizer with a zooming parameter in either a fixed or an adjustable form over a directed communication network. sufficient conditions for the networked harmonic oscillators to converge to a bounded neighborhood of the synchronized orbits with a fixed zooming parameter are established. We ensure the oscillators to achieve synchronization by designing the quantized coupling protocol with an adjustable zooming parameter.