
Asymptotics of the 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Density-dependent Viscosity


陈正争 副教授(安徽大学)



金沙9001cc诚为本东北楼四楼报告厅 (404)


In this talk, I will present the global existence and large-time behavior of strong solutions to the Cauchy problem of the one-dimensional (1D) compressible Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate density-dependent viscosity. If the initial data is assumed to be sufficiently regular, without vacuum and mass concentrations, and the pressure and the viscosity coefficient satisfy certain conditions, we proved that the Cauchy problem of the 1D compressible Navier-Stokes equations admits a unique global strong non-vacuum solution, which tends to the rarefaction waves as time goes to infinity. Here both the initial perturbation and the strength of the rarefaction waves can be arbitrarily large. The proof is established via a delicate energy method and the key ingredient in our analysis is to derive the uniform-in-time positive lower and upper bounds on the specific volume.